Source code for tad_dftd3.damping.atm

# This file is part of tad-dftd3.
# SPDX-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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Axilrod-Teller-Muto (ATM) dispersion term

This module provides the dispersion energy evaluation for the three-body
Axilrod-Teller-Muto dispersion term.

.. math::

    E_\text{disp}^{(3), \text{ATM}} &=
    \sum_\text{ABC} E^{\text{ABC}} f_\text{damp}\left(\overline{R}_\text{ABC}\right) \\
    E^{\text{ABC}} &=
    \left(3 \cos\theta_\text{A} \cos\theta_\text{B} \cos\theta_\text{C} + 1 \right)}
    {\left(r_\text{AB} r_\text{BC} r_\text{AC} \right)^3} \\
    f_\text{damp} &=
    \dfrac{1}{1+ 6 \left(\overline{R}_\text{ABC}\right)^{-16}}
import torch
from tad_mctc import storch
from tad_mctc.batch import real_pairs, real_triples

from .. import defaults
from ..typing import DD, Tensor

__all__ = ["dispersion_atm"]

[docs] def dispersion_atm( numbers: Tensor, positions: Tensor, c6: Tensor, rvdw: Tensor, cutoff: Tensor, s9: Tensor = torch.tensor(defaults.S9), rs9: Tensor = torch.tensor(defaults.RS9), alp: Tensor = torch.tensor(defaults.ALP), ) -> Tensor: """ Axilrod-Teller-Muto dispersion term. Parameters ---------- numbers : Tensor Atomic numbers of the atoms in the system. positions : Tensor Cartesian coordinates of the atoms in the system. c6 : Tensor Atomic C6 dispersion coefficients. rvdw : Tensor Van der Waals radii of the atoms in the system. cutoff : Tensor Real-space cutoff. s9 : Tensor, optional Scaling for dispersion coefficients. Defaults to `1.0`. rs9 : Tensor, optional Scaling for van-der-Waals radii in damping function. Defaults to `4.0/3.0`. alp : Tensor, optional Exponent of zero damping function. Defaults to `14.0`. Returns ------- Tensor Atom-resolved ATM dispersion energy. """ dd: DD = {"device": positions.device, "dtype": positions.dtype} s9 = s9.type(positions.dtype).to(positions.device) rs9 = rs9.type(positions.dtype).to(positions.device) alp = alp.type(positions.dtype).to(positions.device) cutoff2 = cutoff * cutoff srvdw = rs9 * rvdw mask_pairs = real_pairs(numbers, mask_diagonal=True) mask_triples = real_triples(numbers, mask_self=True) eps = torch.tensor(torch.finfo(positions.dtype).eps, **dd) zero = torch.tensor(0.0, **dd) one = torch.tensor(1.0, **dd) # C9_ABC = s9 * sqrt(|C6_AB * C6_AC * C6_BC|) c9 = s9 * storch.sqrt( torch.abs(c6.unsqueeze(-1) * c6.unsqueeze(-2) * c6.unsqueeze(-3)) ) r0ij = srvdw.unsqueeze(-1) r0ik = srvdw.unsqueeze(-2) r0jk = srvdw.unsqueeze(-3) r0 = r0ij * r0ik * r0jk # actually faster than other alternatives # very slow: (pos.unsqueeze(-2) - pos.unsqueeze(-3)).pow(2).sum(-1) distances = torch.pow( torch.where( mask_pairs, storch.cdist(positions, positions, p=2), eps, ), 2.0, ) r2ij = distances.unsqueeze(-1) r2ik = distances.unsqueeze(-2) r2jk = distances.unsqueeze(-3) r2 = r2ij * r2ik * r2jk r1 = torch.sqrt(r2) # add epsilon to avoid zero division later r3 = torch.where(mask_triples, r1 * r2, eps) r5 = torch.where(mask_triples, r2 * r3, eps) # dividing by tiny numbers leads to huge numbers, which result in NaN's # upon exponentiation in the subsequent step mask = real_triples(numbers, mask_self=True) base = r0 / torch.where(mask_triples, r1, one) # to fix the previous mask, we mask again (not strictly necessary because # `ang` is also masked and we later multiply with `ang`) fdamp = torch.where( mask_triples, 1.0 / (1.0 + 6.0 * base ** ((alp + 2.0) / 3.0)), zero, ) s = torch.where( mask, (r2ij + r2jk - r2ik) * (r2ij - r2jk + r2ik) * (-r2ij + r2jk + r2ik), zero, ) ang = torch.where( mask_triples * (r2ij <= cutoff2) * (r2jk <= cutoff2) * (r2jk <= cutoff2), 0.375 * s / r5 + 1.0 / r3, torch.tensor(0.0, **dd), ) energy = ang * fdamp * c9 return torch.sum(energy, dim=(-2, -1)) / 6.0